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I'll help you quit being a strong Black woman

(even if you never chose to be strong, but had to)

My coaching, courses, & community condense the 9+ years of my self-discovery adventure to redefining who I am beyond my job title & build a new lifestyle into a few intense yet powerful steps. I learned these lessons the hard way so that you don't have to.

What Past Clients Say About Working With Me

So far I've helped 150+ people redefine who they are beyond their job title & family roles

so they can design, build, & live the soft lifestyle they want

From Shira Smilie

From Kristin June

From Leah Dawang

From John Muhammed

From Jojo Diggs

Meet The Founder

Hey, I'm Rashidat 👋🏾

My adventure started in 2016 when I paid my last student loan payment & quit my job to travel the world for Jesus. Back then I was tired of being on all the time & just wanted more from life.

As I traveled the world & figured out who I was beyond my job title, I realized "I'm living the more I've always wanted!" 🤯 So I kept going & finding new ways to reconnect to me and build the rewarding lifestyle I now live.

Redefining who I am beyond my job title made it possible for me to:

  • Define myself beyond being a technical designer or even a coach because I'm truly so much more!

  • Helped me to see that my self worth & value goes beyond what I do & is grounded in who I am & I'm encouraging, wise, & an adventurer and I live to be this woman fully every day.

  • Quit being a strong Black woman & build my dreamiest soft life on my terms.

  • Dream & decide what's next for myself rather than chasing the American dream, Black Excellence, or any 'shoulds' that hustle culture says I should be.

  • Bloom & enjoy the adventure of living my soft life so that I'm no longer the workhorse of America.

And guess what?! I'm nothing special which means you can do all this, too, and more!

I've reflected, documented, & made worksheets for everything that's helped me make this transformation so that when you work with me I'll help you make this journey your own and get the same and even better results!


Black women who want lifestyle freedom

If you feel like your dreams have dried up, you know you want a change, but you don't know what that looks like exactly,


If you believe starting a business is your path to freedom and may or may not know what kind of business to start and may or may not have started yet (0-3 years into their business),


If you're exhausted by being on all the time, you have to armor up to survive the day, and you feel behind in life,




Our programs are designed with Black women in mind, helping you break free from the stereotypes of strength and redefine what success


You won’t just dream of a better life—you’ll build it with our step-by-step plans.


You don’t have to do it alone. Join a sisterhood of women on the same journey.


Whatever stage you're at, I've got something for you to help you quit being a strong Black woman

Freedom Fridays ($0 Free)

Work + work = freedom [more work!] Instead, get more rest and fun in your schedule every week.

This live co-planning and community session is your jumpstart to take action so you prioritize self care, rest & fun every week (even if you're a busy professional with tons of responsibility and limited time). It's the tools, coaching, & accountability to start making real change every single week.

The Anti-Superhero Toolkit ($97 - 297)

Doing it all is NOT a badge of honor. It's exhausting! But we've been doing it all for so long that we don't know how to stop... until now.

In this 4 step, self-paced online course you'll learn how to get back more time in your week, stop being stretched thin, and go from doing it all to joy and ease. It's time to take off the cape!

90 Min Coaching Intensive ($499)

You have specific questions about specific topics I've shared. Let's get them answered!

In this 90 minute coaching intensive we'll dig into your questions and create a long term plan that includes your life and business goals so that you know what to focus on and your next steps to make things happen. It's to create a detailed plan specifically for you!

Become THAT Woman VIP Day ($997)

Without redefining who you are beyond your job title, you'll keep prioritizing making money over living your soft life. This is the key to unlocking everything you desire!

In this all-day coaching session, we’ll dive into what you want to be known for, how to describe your character, define your values and your why, and craft your Power Statement—so your worth comes from who you are, not what you do. Redefine who you are beyond your job title in ONE DAY!

Meant for More Group Coaching ($3497)

Meant for More is my flagship program - it's the ultimate combination of a self paced course, coaching, and community to guide your adventure to quit being a strong Black woman and redefine who you are beyond your job title. This process is not for the faint at heart and that's why this iteration of Meant for More gives you the full amount of time to process without pushing yourself any faster than you need.

This is the 12-week guided process that I've taken more that a 100 people through. This is the course that whether you feel behind in life or even extremely successful that helps you decide and build the life you want on your terms.

Meant for More 1:1 VIP Package ($4997)

This fast track VIP package is for clients who've done previous heart-work with a therapist and/or coach and can handle powerful yet intense guided process in just 4 all day VIP day sessions.

You'll get an exclusive experience working with me 1:1 through the coursework across 4 x 1:1 VIP day sessions to help you quit being a strong Black woman, redefine who you are beyond your job title, and take actions to become that woman. This simple 1:1 process allows you show up, take action, and get results in the shortest amount of time.

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